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guest relaxing at shampoo bowl while getting her hair washed

returning signature
curly haircut

$145  1.5 HRS

For returning guests who have received a Signature Curly Haircut from me within the last  4 months.  Let's trim and/or clean up your last Signature Curly Haircut. Curl Care tips and tricks included, as always. (If it's been over 4 months, click here.)


salon towels, color brushes and whisks on counter in front of white subway tile backsplash.

gray coverage

$140    1 hr

For those that cover gray or their regrowth and also wish to refresh the lengths and ends with a glaze, without highlights..  The result is a solid seamless color from roots to ends

​ Add on:

Signature Curly Cut, Style & Education $205

Returning Signature Curly Cut & Style $145

"Straight" Haircut & Style $85

Style only, no Haircut $45

hair stylist pouring oil into hand before applying it to guests hair

gray & go

$140    1 hr

For Returning Guests who, occasionally, need to get in and out.  This appointment is only 60 minutes.  Just enough time to cover the gray regrowth, refresh the ends, wash, condition, detangle, and pull your hair into a topknot before you head out.  (Does not include time for a cut or style)


Gray blending with highlights with a color brush and foils.

dimensional color

$225-265  1 - 2 hrs 

For those looking to add dimension throughout the crown and around the face by the use of highlights and/or lowlights. A glaze is used for color balancing and an Olaplex treatment for bond protection. Add on full gray coverage if desired.

Add on:

Signature Curly Cut, Style & Education $205

Returning Signature Curly Cut & Style $145

Straight" Haircut & Style $85

Style only, no Haircut $45

Full Gray Coverage  $95

blonde gray blending getting her hair blown dry with blow dryer and round brush

returning "straight" haircut

$85   1 HR

For returning guests who have received a haircut from me within the last 6 months and wear their hair mostly "straight". Hair is washed, cut and styled.


round salon mirror just beyond a salon chair.

signature curly haircut

$205   2 HRS           

For returning guests who have received a Signature Curly Haircut from me, however, it's been over 4 months. Let’s start with a dry, curly haircut experience to determine the length and shape. Next is a shampoo with a customized treatment based on your hair needs.  Finished with a hands-on styling, diffusing lesson and extensive curl care and styling  education. 


returning after four months
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